Life in the Vineyard 3. The Human Factor

Glad that you arrived here! Let’s go with the third step of the series Life in the Vineyard, in where you can see how the  Human Factor affects the conditions to get a great and good wine… But also the price!. Check out the vine growing techniques.   . Last note: I’ve separated this post in the 3 aspects, as they are easier to manage. So, the most important aspects that will affect the taste of the wine because of 3 variables: Life in the Vineyard: 1. The Climate & Place, as it determines the growing conditions of the grapevine. Life in the Vineyard: 2. The Varietal, as it is important it can express the better in the specific climate conditions Life in the Vineyard: 3. The Human Factor, as the techniques vine-growers use to facilitate the better conditions of the land to get the best wine...